My Spiritual Journey Continued:
It’s strange but it would seem that my memory is slowly being erased as if to make way for new things to come, my childhood for instance is almost erased as I have very few recollections of childhood experiences certainly before the age of 11 or 12 and not so many after up to the age of around 16. I don’t worry about this I just feel that there is a reason why these memories are being erased or locked away in some far-flung part of my brain and I must move forward and not harp back to my past and remember to always live in the NOW ☺
So many things have happened to me over this past couple of years, spiritual awakenings, meetings with some incredible people, injuries to my body to bring me awareness of pain and suffering, illness after illness to all parts of my body, allergies come and go as if to show me the power of God and his divine ability to show me the experiences that other people go through during their daily lives, the loss of dear family members and friends so I can see and FEEL the grief that people are experiencing during this sad time in their lives. Friends and strangers have come to me with their problems, their open hearts and minds have enabled them to share with me their pains, their problems and intimate relationship issues I have learned to listen to their challenges and offer them some words of understanding, words of compassion and words to help heal them from these burdens in their life, these words just come to me in the moment, they are spontaneous as if someone is speaking through me with the utmost clarity and precision. I feel their pain, literally feel their pain, sometimes physically in my body and certainly in my heart but at this time I have no fear, my words just flow, my compassion and loving is at its highest level, I don’t worry, I have no concerns re my words and I know that the message is from a higher place, the message that heals the problem in hand.
Life is so interesting and oh so frustrating!
I have been blessed with some gifts, gifts from God, my higher self, ascended masters, and ascended family members, they have all been there for me although at times I truly feel alone and a little lost on my spiritual journey. I guess it’s the fear of not doing well, the fear of taking the wrong pathway, the fear of ridicule, and the fear of not being understood. Some days I just sit, I meditate and I think, I look up to the sky, I notice the beauty we have in our world, I see and hear the smiles and laughter from the children around me, I see the flowers in bloom, I smell the sweetness that the flowers offer to my senses, I breathe the air that Mother Earth provides for me and I’m in awe of its beauty, in awe to its immense power and I feel lost because I’m just me, a man with no power, no riches but the gifts that God has decided to bestow on me, these gifts are my frustration due to the fear of making a mistake in the name of God. I know this is my ego talking, controlling my thoughts and cluttering my mind with uncertainty, but sometimes you just feel alone in this world; especially when we see so much devastation happening to our planet, watch the suffering of humanity and the rape of our environment in the name of power and wealth by the few. I see people growing fatter on the proceeds of greed, flashing their wealth without a care in the world for our world and our humanity. I know I cannot heal the world on my own and I’m aware that each good deed I do will make a difference to the life of someone, but even so; I still at times feel lost.
Why is it I feel the need for clarification all the time? Why is it I feel lost and alone?
When I go with the flow, live from the heart and follow my intuition; all is then well with my life, don’t get me wrong my life is good, I’m blessed with so much to be thankful for, and I’m certainly blessed with some spiritual healing gifts that I’m certainly proud to possess, I guess I just need some validation, to say I’m on the right track ☺
My wife and I went back to Hawaii again, we both felt the need to get away from the city of over 25 million people and get back to nature, to live for a couple of weeks once again on the Big Island of Hawaii close to the Kilauea volcano, on the lava flows which reach out into the Pacific Ocean, to spend our days and nights swimming with the turtles and watching the stars, to eat healthy food and rest our weary bones in the warmth of the sun….. Absolute bliss ☺
One evening I suggested to my wife that we should drive up the east coast of the big island up through the hills and rainforests that overlook the ocean, up over the dry plains of the north, around the base of the Mauna Kea volcano onto the west coast then find somewhere to stay for a couple of nights before returning eastward again across country with a stop off once again to the summit of the Mauna Kea volcano to watch the sun set and be with the stars in perfect harmony with nature and the universe.
We packed our car with our luggage and snorkeling gear, food and drinks for the road trip and set off on our journey. After a couple of hours on the road my wife wanted to stop somewhere for a comfort break but we were in the middle of nowhere so we continued on driving for a few more miles until we came across a small village, we stopped an looked for a washroom, nothing was to be found, no bars, coffee shops or restaurants were to be seen, we walked up past a few little shops which were all closed as it was a Monday a closing day on the big island, but as if by magic outside a little shop was a huge Amethyst Crystal, I mean big about three feet long! It was a crystal shop and it was open, I looked inside the door and there was a lady sitting in the back, I asked if there was a washroom nearby and she replied, ‘come on in, your wife is welcome to use mine’, I looked around the shop for a few minutes while my wife was in the washroom and was drawn to an even bigger crystal in the middle of the shop, this one had amazing energy and I felt a connection to it although im not a follower of crystals. While I was chatting to the lady she asked if I would like an energy clearing , I of course said yes. I sat on a bed of crystals with my feet resting on a bed of crystals and hugged the massive crystal in my arms while the lady gave me an energy clearing, she said I was special that’s why she asked me and she felt the need to cleanse my system and help me on my way, she said I was here for a reason and we didn’t just happen on her store, she had been placed there to assist me on my journey. We chatted for a while and she gave us directions to a small cove where we could go snorkeling with the turtles and possibly with some dolphins, we thanked her and went on our way.
That night we checked into a hotel on the west coast and went to dinner in the restaurant, the evening was beautiful and it was a full red moon, my wife and I will never forget it, it was stunningly beautiful and the red moon shone brightly on the ocean as we sat overlooking the sea, manta rays were feeding in the bay, so many that we could not count their numbers, their magnificent white underbodies gliding effortlessly through the ocean as they fed right in front of our eyes, it was like God had made this special event just for us, the beautiful evening, the cool breeze from the ocean, the full red moon shining its reflection on the ocean and the giant manta rays feeding, magical and a wonderful evening, never to forget.
We went to bed around 11pm and soon fell fast asleep, I awoke or think I woke to the sidelight flickering on and off at the other side of the room, I remember it clearly as if it was yesterday, the room was bright and clear but someone was sitting on the side of my bed beside me, it was a man, a beautiful man, his face was soft and gentle but there were years of experience etched in his soft face, wisdom beyond my knowledge, my wife stirred and turned towards us and the man held out his hand towards her and said, ‘its ok my sweet he’s with me and he is safe now’, so my wife turned around and went back to sleep, I was in awe of what was sitting next to me, I was trembling with both excitement and concern as to what was happening to me, the man stared to speak. ‘I’m Gabriel and I’m here to share some words with you’, the lights started to flash again and Gabriel said ‘Ok John he’s ok, and yes I know he’s worried about money, it’s not a problem and he will be fine, don’t worry yourself over this, it will be ok’, he was speaking to my recently deceased father who was an accountant and who was always concerned that I and my family made sure we had enough money and not to take any financial risks with our lives. Gabriel continued to talk to me and to say I had been given a job, the job of helping humanity and mother earth and I will find my way to carry out the tasks given to me, I was not to worry as all will come clear to me in stages throughout the rest of my life, I was to be in China right now because there was so much work for me to do there, that is the reason why I was brought there so many years ago. I had been grounded in China and that is where I will stay until the next stage of my spiritual journey, my wife was my guardian angel, my twin flame and she will always look after me. As he stopped speaking my wife got up from bed, walked to the washroom and when she came back she knelt beside me put her face almost to mine as if checking I was still breathing, it was obviously so dark in the room although to me it was like daylight as the light around Gabriel was so bright. Gabriel once again said, ‘He’s ok, he’s safe and he’s with me, go back to sleep’ and my wife once again laid down and went back to sleep. This conversation went on for hours almost until the sun arose, I was fully awake throughout the process and was up well before the sun rose, I was full of excitement and wanting to share my experience and the words that Gabriel had said to me with my wife.
May and I got ourselves ready, we checked out of the hotel before 6am and drove to the beach, the sun was looking beautiful and the ocean was calm, I entered the water and swam freely with the fish observing the turtles and the beauty of mother nature whilst all the time remembering the words of Gabriel and the meaning to my life and my spiritual journey. After an hour or so I left the water, warmed myself with a coffee and we discussed more about what had happened during the night. While we were chatting I spotted dolphins in the bay but way out to sea, this was my chance so I got back in the ocean and swam out into the deep, ahhh to my joy I was joined by dolphins, my heart beating faster and faster as they swam around me with ease in complete beauty and grace. Tears of joy filled my mask as I had once again been blessed, my dreams coming true and my life giving back to me; once again ☺
I won’t go into details of what Gabriel said to me because I believe that his words were meant for me and my wife but suffice to say, this was my true awakening and I must follow my destiny, my spiritual journey and I must do all I can to help those who are in need, to help mother nature and our environment with every breath of my body.
Namaste with Love